Dermabrasion OR Microdermabrasion, Understand the Difference!

Dermabrasion Treatment

Dermabrasion OR Microdermabrasion, Understand the Difference!

Many people frequently ponder upon the thoughts of having a better and flawless skin. They wonder of ways to improve their skin tone, tighten their skin and get rid of those depressing wrinkles, acne and scars. And they often find themselves into frustration and agitation when their ceaseless efforts of using numerous home remedies fail one after the other. Does this relate to you?

If you answered yes, then read further to know the solution. With the advances in medical science, Skin Resurfacing has come as a blessing for people troubled with skin problems. Skin Resurfacing is a technique in which the upper layers of the skin are removed to make way for the newer, smooth layers to develop. There are many techniques of skin resurfacing you can opt for. However, dermabrasion and microdermabrasion are the most widely used techniques.

Many people confuse these techniques to be nearly similar since both dermabrasion and microdermabrasion are carried out with a handheld device and aim to remove the upper layers of skin. However, other than that both the techniques differ vastly in their procedure and results.

What is Dermabrasion?

Dermabrasion is an invasive procedure and much more aggressive than microdermabrasion. It sands the more deeper layer of skin and is used to treat more chronic skin problems. The procedure is even painful and you can expect the pain to persist throughout the healing period. The healing period is also not short. It takes the patient a minimum to 10-15 days to heal. The skin will be pink or red during this healing period.

What is Microdermabrasion?

Microdermabrasion is comparatively smooth procedure. It is minimal invasive procedure and gently exfoliates the skin gently and remove the upper layers of skin and dead skin cells. The healing period is not really involved and patients can get back to their routine activities right after the procedure.

The Gap Between Dermabrasion and Microdermabrasion

Unlike dermabrasion, microdermabrasion involves no downtime as it is done without the use of anesthetics. However, that is impossible when it comes to dermabrasion. Dermabrasion, if performed without the use of local or general anesthesia will be extremely painful.

Other downside of dermabrasion is that it cannot be given to every person. It works only for the people with fair skin tone. However, microdermabrasion is for every person. Any person with any skin type and any skin tone can undergo microdermabrasion.

So, with all these it is understood that there is a vast gap between both the procedures and microdermabrasion is a much safer procedure. However, microdermabrasion shows less effective results when the skin problem is chronic, like long persisting scars, deeper wrinkles and hyperpigmentation.
Both the procedures are effective in their own way and have their own downsides. It is onto your dermatologist as to how he can minimize the downsides for you. You must have an in-depth discussion with your dermatologist if you are considering having the procedure done. Be clear about the differences and choose what you feel is the best for you with due consideration to your dermatologist’s advice.

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