NB UVB Full Body Phototherapy Chamber to Treat Vitiligo


Phototherapy has been used as an effective treatment for vitiligo for a long time by the doctors. Dermatologists have been using PUVA therapy since long to treat their patients suffering from vitiligo and the therapy has shown positive results for most of the patients. But recently narrow band UVB has been started to be used for treatment of vitiligo. It has replaced the PUVA treatment and come as a gold standard as it gives better results with lesser side effects.


How is NB UVB Phototherapy Done?

The therapy can be undertaken at a doctor’s clinic in a full body cabinet or at home in a light panel or with a hand-held device with a doctor’s prescription. The hand-held device is effective in treating the small and isolated areas. However, for larger areas of skin covered with white spots, a full body cabinet is recommended. The patient is exposed to NB UVB light for a definite time period. The therapy works by attacking the immune system and helping in the repigmentation of the skin. It helps the body to produce the melanin cells faster than they are attacked and destroyed, thereby restoring the patient’s normal skin tone.


Frequency of Sessions

The sessions are generally given thrice a week. At home therapy can be undergone every day. However, overexposure should be avoided, or it may lead to burning of the skin. It will take between 30 and 60 sessions for the therapy to show results. Another factor that marks the achievement of positive results is the consistency. The more consistent the patient is with the sessions, the better the results.

However, it has been seen that the patients get frustrated with the series of treatments and not seeing results. They often drop the treatment in between. We understand that vitiligo is difficult to deal with and so is going through the treatments at times. So, we are here to make everything easy for you. We have the most advanced technology and the latest equipments at our clinic. We offer the treatment using the latest phototherapy chambers. The therapy is given with great precision so that you experience no side effects. We stand by you all through the way, help you with managing the frustration as well so that you complete the course of treatment and go home satisfied. With us, you can be sure about the results and getting your skin color back. All you have to do is understand that the treatment will take time and be patient and consistent. You can leave the rest to us!

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